Hoarding & Hoarders

Why people hoard.

Hoarding is generally a response to trauma or emotional upset. Often, it relates to loss or abandonment in some form.

Let’s face it, people are unreliable. They go away, they die, they turn on you. Some are abusive. I think it’s a very natural response to turn to inanimate objects. They do what you want, they stay put, they provide comfort.

The hoard itself, as it builds, provides a kind of safety zone, a barrier. It’s there to keep you in and comforted and, at the same time, keep the big bad world at bay.

Common ways to describe this include…
• Nest
• Womb
• Cocoon
• Cockpit

Sometimes it’s a kind of horseshoe shape around the person. Sometimes it’s a mattress with walls all around. Sometimes there are multiple similar zones in a home.

The instinct to create this space starts as way of gaining control over one’s own life. Unfortunately, it will eventually take control over the person.

If hoarding or clutter is affecting you please do get in touch, I offer an empathetic, non-judgemental service where you are in control.
