Hoarding & Hoarders

Helping a hoarder.
If you’re reading this because someone you know has a hoarding problem, here is my advice.
- Your person needs love and support, not a roll of bin bags.
- Don’t assume anything (I have learned this lesson the hard way).
- Listening is vital. Try to encourage them to talk but do not offer advice.
- Don’t take anything away until they are ready.
- Try very hard not to judge.
- Appreciate how hard it is for them to even have you in.

The key thing to remember is that the problem is deep, emotional and painful. The stuff represents the person’s autonomy, control and even identity. If you casually pick things up, move them around, or (worse) throw them away, you are hurting the person. Tread very gently indeed or they will become defensive and that always leads to rows and sometimes rifts.
If hoarding or clutter is affecting you please do get in touch, I offer an empathetic, non-judgemental service where you are in control.