Harry Beer, Counsellor

What is counselling?

Counselling is very different from just having a chat.

For a start, it’s all and only about you. Each session lasts 50 minutes and is with one other person and no distractions. It’s a chance to pay close attention to yourself, your feelings, your worries, concerns, pain or distress. Crucially it’s a private and confidential service.

Counselling is often intense and can take a bit of getting used to. Instead of the to-and-fro between friends, it’s entirely focused on your inner world. Hearing yourself articulate feelings into words and for that to be witnessed and understood, is a vital part of the healing process.

Counselling can be a chance to take things out of our emotional filing cabinet, have a look at them, think about what they mean, and then re-file them in a new location or with a new name.

Counselling can help with any kind of emotional problem. The relationship between client and counsellor is central and it’s important you find the right person to work with.

If hoarding or clutter is affecting you please do get in touch, I offer an empathetic, non-judgemental service where you are in control.
